14th February, 2020

Creativation 2020 Part 1

A few weeks ago I attended Creativation (formerly CHA). The craft industries big annual trade show where designers, manufacturers, retailers, buyers, bloggers and makers gather to see the new products, meet friends, do business and get creatively inspired. If you haven’t yet been, it’s something you should try to attend at least once. The show is now open to more people and you can check out the requirements for AFCI membership on their website HERE.

Creativation 2020 Tim Holtz
My trip began with a 3am alarm and the help of a very fun wake up call involving a shark (really, don’t ask)! I headed to the airport to catch the first of 2 flights to Phoenix. It’s a long travel day, but I had a pretty nice seat so I’m not complaining at all and I was beyond excited to get there and see friends I hadn’t seen for a year!

Photo 15-01-2020, 06 10 57
My roommate and travel co-conspirator, Thelma aka Vicki Evans aka that crazy chick was waiting for me at the airport and snapped this awesome selfie. I think this picture says a thousand words!

Different to last year, when we headed straight to our hotel in downtown phoenix, albeit having driven for 20 minutes in the wrong and opposite direction because we were too busy chatting, this time we took a bigger detour and headed to see some friends who live in Arizona! 😉

Creativation 2020 Tim Holtz
Cute story… when we arrived at our hotel we walked into the hotel lobby, behind that wall (picture above) were Mario and Tim waiting to surprise us! It was such a great moment with genuine surprise. It was so good to see them and give them both a hug!

Creativation 2020 Tim Holtz
That time we hung out with Tim and Mario at the studio, watched a facebook LIVE actually LIVE, nailed stuff to the table, ate the worlds best pecan pie, laughed a lot, went to Michaels and crafted till midnight… Let’s rewind and go from the beginning because I know you want details and to zoom in! 😉

Creativation 2020 Tim Holtz
We had such a fun start to the day by making our own waffles for breakfast in the hotel. Breakfast of champions!

Creativation 2020 Tim Holtz
We arrived at the Studio and Mr BTS was already hard at work making sure there was enough light for the facebook LIVE.

Creativation 2020 Tim Holtz
“WE ARE LIVE!” I love that Tim says that at the beginning of the facebook LIVES. Love those smiling faces!

Creativation 2020 Tim Holtz
Mario answering questions and commenting during the LIVE. Mario is always smiling.

Creativation 2020 Tim Holtz
A BTS during the facebook LIVE. Tim showing the awesome new glazes with perfect lighting. Great job MacGyver.

Creativation 2020 Tim Holtz
Vicki watching the LIVE, actually LIVE! Did you see her hilarious t-shirt or are you too busy checking out the background?

Creativation 2020 Tim Holtz
Standard tongue out selfie pose! I love this girl, she is exactly my brand of silly. I met Vicki online 10 years ago through our joint love of grunge and Tim Holtz. We finally met for the first time in person last year and shared a room at Creativation. She is just as awesome in real life and definitely my spirit animal. I love that this craft community brings such incredible, genuine and long lasting friendships.

Creativation 2020 Tim Holtz
Honestly, we are both still smiling a month later.

Creativation 2020 Tim Holtz
Vicki has earned her name “that crazy chick” and is always experimenting! She and Tim made stuff and froze it to see “what happens if…” Love the expression on Tim’s face… “what the what?!” These two share a mad science gene! It’s fascinating watching them create!

Creativation 2020 Tim Holtz
That crazy chick nailed her tag to table! It was a very funny moment as you can see… Fortunately MacGyver was in the house and freed the tag!

Creativation 2020 Tim Holtz
Crafting is a team sport and it was all hands on deck to finish making some samples for the show.

Creativation 2020 Tim Holtz
I have wanted to try Mario’s homemade pecan pie for years and it was so worth the wait! World’s best pecan pie! Fact!! It was SO GOOD!!

Creativation 2020 Tim Holtz
In fact it was SO GOOD I needed a moment! It tastes as good as it looks and then some! I haven’t stopped banging on about it since I got home!

Creativation 2020 Tim Holtz
I love this pic. It sums up the day. So much happy, so much laughter, so much love, so much fun!

Creativation 2020 Tim Holtz
You may not know this, but as well as being a creative educator, Tim also runs lightsaber training classes.

Creativation 2020 Tim Holtz
Jedi Master…

Creativation 2020 Tim Holtz
Jedi in training…

Creativation 2020 Tim Holtz
Dark Lord… proper laughing!

Creativation 2020 Tim Holtz
Now it’s no secret that I am a Tim Holtz Addict and years ago, the thought of having a day like this, well… the addicts will understand! #fangirl!! I still remember about 10 years ago, waking my husband up at 6am jumping on the bed and screaming that I had a blogworthy link from Tim!

What I have realised over the years is that Tim, whilst incredibly talented, inspiring and god like (fangirl forever!) is also a crafter, one of us, no different, (ok creative genius yes) but down to earth, humble and genuine. Tim and Mario are the kindest, funniest and most genuine humans you could ever wish to meet and their goodness truly shines through. What was once a celebrity style crush is now a true friendship and you all know that I’m talking about Mario! 😉

Creativation 2020 Tim Holtz
I had such great fun and spending time with these three monkeys and just being. They are are such a gift and I feel so blessed to have friends like these.

(We had had a LOT of sugar at this point… LOL)


  1. This blog post made me all misty eyed with happiness. I am so happy you got to experience this and shared it with the rest of us addicts ♡♡♡

  2. Cassie Lynch says:

    Thanks for sharing with us

  3. Amy says:

    This story brings tears to my heart. So much laughter, joy, and friendship. I use to live in Phoenix and frequently went to Prescott, all pre TH… LOL. SO everything brings joy.

  4. Stacy says:

    Love this.. and all these fantastic and funny people in the photos!!! You are all special people. So thrilled that you had a fantastic time hanging out together…glad to have finally got to meet you in person and hang out with you, Zoe! You are AWESOME!! ♥️ Can’t wait till next year!

  5. Ann Barnes says:

    Zoe, this is such a wonderful post, I hear ya on the #fangirl but can totally see the gentle human behind the idol. I love seeing the smiles and knowing that you all truly enjoyed each other’s company. Every day is a treasure and these treasured moments will bring joy for a long time to come. Thank you for sharing. xxx

  6. kath stewart says:

    the happiest road trip ever making special memories with wonderful, kind, genuine folks (nutters but nice nutters), the kind of memories that money can’t buy. Thanks for sharing, hugs kath xxx

  7. Vanessa Clemons says:

    These photos are so fun to look at! So happy to be connected to such amazing talent through this blog and Instagram! I am so inspired by each of you! Thank you for sharing!

  8. Teri Wils says:

    You made me laugh with the antics!

  9. Janice says:

    So much fun! I truly enjoyed reading all about your trip and seeing all the photos! Thanks so much for sharing … but now I have a craving for Pecan Pie and I’m pretty sure I can’t find one anywhere that looks as amazing as Mario’s!

  10. Jillian says:

    An awesome trip, the depth of friensahip and love brings light and laughter in this crazy world we live in – thanks for sharing with us! Love from OZ

  11. Sherry/scrappergirl56 says:

    Sounds like you guys had a blast, and enough memories to last a bit…Would love to meet everyone one of these days…thanks for sharing the fabulous time with great friends…

  12. Mary Simet says:

    I have never had pecan pie, but now, oh yea I want some! I have drunk the Tim Holtz kool-aid though & it’s delightful! Thanks for sharing your happiness.

  13. Maria Nyce says:

    Now this must have been heaven on earth, I know if I were blessed enough to even spend an hour with you awesomely blessed & talented people, it would be that & a big bag of chips!!! LOVED EVERY SINGLE WORD AND PHOTO!!! Thanks so much for sharing your slice of heaven with me, I can now breath more deeply and sleep more soundly because I felt like I was there, sort of…but would prefer to actually have been there, but next time, I know you will invite me too…Pretty please with Distress Oxide Ink on top!!!

  14. Lira Dion says:

    Love this! #fangirlsforever
    The first thing I noticed was her shirt actually. I lol’d when you pointed it out. Lol!
    These 2 guys are the best. You can tell they have the biggest, most genuine hearts. And we all know Tim’s heart is extra special. 😉
    P.S. I need that huge spinning tower pictured in the light saber pictures. Lol!

  15. tim holtz says:

    my friend, you sure captured the magic + creative fun in this post. i loved seeing the photos that reminded me of so many laughs from light sabers to extra goats and crafting until midnight. thanks for sharing this – can’t wait until next time… -tim

  16. Mario Rossi says:

    Thank you Zoe for letting me see this special time together thru your eyes! I will never forget Tim and I hiding at the hotel waiting for you both to come in. We laughed so much.
    So glad the timing worked out that you could come up the hill together (Thelma & Louise) and spend time with us. Studio time and kitchen time is the best time ever.
    Next trip you need to stay longer MFS…. we have so much more crafting to do (well not me), I’ll cook!
    And so many more memories to make and good times to be had.
    Neil you better pack your bags if you want some pecan pie! See you both soon! ❤️❤️❤️ #framily

  17. This is an awesome report on an awesome trip! I had so much fun with reading and seeing how wonderful your meeting has been! Everybody would have liked to be with you! So nice and funny people. You are blessed!
    Such a trip would be on top of my bucket list, but unfortunately will never be fulfilled. Thanks for sharing your moments with all of us, TH addicts!
    Big hugs from Germany
    Anka (a.k.a. HirschEngelchen)

  18. Donna Turner says:

    Sounds like an amazing and fun day with only the best. Tim and Mario.
    Which by the way Happy Valentine’s day

  19. Anne R says:

    Such a fabulous post Zoe, thanks so much for sharing. I think I would have passed out if two such special people had surprised me like that! What an amazing time you had, I love the light saber bit, who knew!! You captured some fantastic memories. I do agree with you, everyone should visit Creativation at least once, it really is like nothing else…. treasured memories for sure!

  20. Julie says:

    What a great read! And it’s always sweeter (an um, more expensive, probably) when we share friendships in our craft world with our “spirit animals.” Thanks Zoe!

  21. Sue says:

    So did what a lot of us can only wish and dream, to spend a day with Tim and Mario. That pie looked so delish, that yes I will admit, I was looking at the background in those photo’s as well. What an amazing time, so glad you got to do something you LOVE. Thanks for sharing Zoe! It’s also wonderful to share your dreams with a dear friend. Looks like you two will be friends for life. 🙂

  22. Theresa Petermann says:

    Smiling from ear to ear the whole post through. Loved that tower in the background that was holding all Tim’s supplies. What a fun way to spend time and play with fellow creatives. thanks as always for sharing.

  23. Susan Dotson says:

    As I sit here reading this post for the umpteen time I just had to write. Being a 75+ crafter/card maker, I have followed Tim and Mario for a number of years. They are my inspiration and gurus of all things grunge, retro, masculine, creepy Halloween, etc., well you get the picture (Halloween being way up there at the top.) Not being very original, I can’t tell you how much I have gotten from the wonderful people who create with, for and are disciples of Tim & Mario. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You keep me excited every day. Keep up the wonderful work and be safe, happy and healthy.

  24. Yay…what an awesome and fun post!!! This looks like a dream come true Zoe! Good for you to blog about CHA…I’ve yet to do so…ugh.

  25. Christine Kiehl says:

    This was the coolest blog share ever. Love the story and the pics! Thank you for sharing!

  26. Susanne says:

    Thanks for sharing this Zoe! Seems like you had a blast!

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